You were traveling on the highway when another vehicle attempted to enter your lane too close to the front of your car. You quickly slammed on your brakes and swerved to avoid a collision. Unfortunately, that only resulted in a crash with another vehicle and then sent you rolling down an embankment.
Rollover accidents like this are one of the most dangerous kinds of accidents. There’s a serious potential for injury and death. These complex crashes aren’t common in cars, but they do happen.
Why do rollovers happen?
All types of vehicles can roll over, but the likelihood of it happening depends on various factors like speed, the height of the vehicle and the vehicle’s center of gravity. If the vehicle hits a bump or a tire is pushed upward, it could also throw the vehicle off balance and cause it to roll.
Close to half of all rollover crashes causing death are a result of alcohol impairment. Even drinking a small amount of alcohol could impair a driver enough to make him or her slower to respond to the things around him or her and more likely to lose control of the vehicle.
The majority of rollover crashes are single-vehicle collisions, but that leaves 15 percent that are not. In those cases, you may be able to obtain compensation for the injuries you suffer if another person caused your vehicle to crash and roll. Your life was put in danger, so it is important that you get the chance to obtain medical care and to be supported as you heal.
Source: NHTSA, “Causes,” accessed April 26, 2018