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How can a TBI change your relationships and emotions?

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2023 | Catastrophic Accidents

A traumatic brain injury, otherwise known as a TBI, is a life-altering event that profoundly affects relationships and emotions. The aftermath of a TBI is like a seismic shift in the landscape of one’s personal connections.

Knowing more about how a TBI can reshape the dynamics of relationships may help you after suffering from one.

Strained connections

One of the most palpable changes post-TBI is the strain it places on relationships. Whether familial, romantic or platonic, the fabric of these connections often undergoes significant transformation.

Communication, once fluid and effortless, may become challenging. Family members and friends could find themselves navigating uncharted waters, adjusting to a new normal that demands patience and understanding.

Extreme emotions

Emotions, previously familiar and predictable, can become a rollercoaster ride after a TBI. Mood swings may be a daily challenge.

The individual with a TBI could grapple with frustration, anger or even depression as they confront the changes in their cognitive and physical abilities. Loved ones, in turn, must adapt to these emotional fluctuations, requiring empathy to weather the storm.

Lack of independence

TBI often disrupts the established roles within relationships. The person who was once the caregiver may find themselves in need of care, introducing a complex dynamic shift. Independence becomes a battleground as both parties navigate the delicate balance between offering assistance and preserving the dignity of the individual with a TBI.

When you realize that traumatic brain injuries created 214,110 hospital stays in 2020, you should take into account that a TBI can greatly increase your stress levels. Understanding the profound impact of a TBI on human connections is the first step toward fostering empathy.