WTNH reported that the average snowfall in Connecticut is about 25.1 inches to 33.3 inches, depending on location. The most snow occurs in December, January and February.
Winter weather can create hazards for everyone, and it is especially dangerous when snow or ice gathers on outdoor walkways. One of the most prevalent issues that may occur in this situation is slip-and-fall incidents. While some falls may be minor, there is also the possibility of serious injuries.
Head injuries
When people lose their footing on icy surfaces, it can lead to falls forward, backward or to the side. If there is nothing to cushion the fall, an injury to the head is a real possibility and a collision of the head and hard ground can result in a traumatic brain injury. Severe injuries can be life-altering but even minor trauma requires immediate medical attention.
Back injuries
Back injuries are not uncommon in the aftermath of slips and falls. The sudden twisting or bending motions during a fall can strain the muscles and ligaments in the back. Many times, a back injury will continue to plague a person long after the initial incident.
Fractured bones, particularly in the wrist and forearm, are frequent outcomes of winter falls. It is a natural instinct to extend the arms to break a fall, but doing this often results in the transmission of impact to the bones. This can easily lead to broken bones in the wrists and arms.
Mitigating the risks of winter falls requires everyone to do their part, but property owners have an obligation to provide safe walkways for the public. They must practice routine snow and ice removal, especially during the early and late hours or during storms. They also need to utilize salt or sand and stay on top of developing weather conditions.